What is the Thyroid and what function does it perform? The thyroid is a small butterfly shaped hormonal gland in the throat that releases a steady amount of thyroid hormones into the blood stream. This gland is vital as it plays a major role in many
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What is Moringa? Deep green in colour and with an earthy aroma, Moringa leaves are known around the world as a nutritional and therapeutic powerhouse. It is the most nutrient dense plant on the planet and therefore Moringa Oleifera is the ultimate
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What is Electro Muscle Stimulation? EMS is a form of medical treatment used in physical therapy and rehabilitation, but also very much in Aesthetic treatments for Facial De-aging & Body Sculpting. It is an electrical device that delivers electrical impulses to the
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What is Self-care? For many people, when they hear the word “self-care” they think it has to be something extravagant and needs to be done for a long period of time. However, the term self-care is simply the act of giving attention
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Our focus here is on Men’s health. We are highlighting the importance of healthier living for men and how it can improve their quality of life as well as their families’. Many of us currently live fast-paced lives. This includes fast meals
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What is Oxidative stress? Oxidative stress is when there is an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species – free radicals – and antioxidant defences. Basically, there are too many “bad influences” from our environment attacking the body and not enough
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What is Presso-therapy? Presso-therapy is an appearance enhancing therapy for body sculpting, centimetre loss and cellulite reduction. It redefines your legs, stomach & arms. This device also aids in weight-loss when used in conjunction with a healthy low carb diet and exercise
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What is skin inflammation? Inflammation is an immune reaction where cytokines (a number of substances that are secreted by certain cells of the immune system and have an effect on other cells), white blood cells and lymphocytes respond to a foreign invader.
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What is Microbiome? Microbiome is terminology many people talk about, but do not always fully understand, especially how it impacts skin health. Basically, the microbiome is a combination of various microorganisms such as bacteria, bacteriophage, fungi, protozoa and viruses that live inside
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A healthy gut leads to a healthy you… *All diseases start in the gut – Hippocrates *Heal your digestive system to restore your body and renew your mind – Dr Don Colbert MD – Healthy Gut Zone What is your gut? Your
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Cooltech® Fat Freeze targets stubborn fat pockets or bulky areas that are hard to reduce even with rigid exercise.
German Technology Fractional Skin Rejuvenation What is Mezotix™? Next-level Fractional Skin Rejuvenation, neither laser nor RF, just Pure Heat Safely & Quickly treats delicate facial skin, hands & body Employs a sterile Titanium tip Superior Microneedling without the needles Works on a
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FACE & BODY SKIN HEALING & REJUVENATION The Goddess Factor® Advanced Aesthetics Clinic What is Microneedling? Microneedling also known as Mesotherapy or Fractional Collagen Induction Therapy is a highly effective treatment for skin rejuvenation, scar reduction & de-aging. It accelerates skin regeneration
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Access your bliss zone! The happiest, healthiest version of YOU! What is a Health Coach? In a nutshell, a Health Coach can be seen as a behaviour change specialist who helps you find the motivation and commitment to make long lasting
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Wrinkles – how do they form and how can they be erased? Safyre Radio Frequency Facials – results you can see!
What is reflexology? Reflexology is a type of massage that involves applying different amounts of pressure to the feet, hands, and ears. It’s based on a theory’s that these body parts are connected to certain organs and body systems. People who practice this
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Microdermabrasion is a tried and tested non-chemical, non-invasive procedure to slough off dead skin cells. It works at cellular level to encourage radiant-looking skin and reduced pore size. It leaves you looking younger than ever before, because dull skin caused by old
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What is Dermaplaning, also known as Microblading? Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that removes the top layers of your skin ( Stratum Corneum ). The procedure aims to remove fine wrinkles, surface blemishes and “peach fluff” know as Vellus hair, as well
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Cellulite is the bane of many women’s lives. Men don’t have it, because their tissue structure is different to ours. The main culprit for this condition is the female hormone, Estrogen. It activates the fibroblasts* that in turn act on the collagenase,
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What are chemical peels? Chemical peels are cosmetic treatments that can be applied to the face, hands, and neck. They’re used to improve the appearance or feel of the skin. During this procedure, chemical solutions will be applied to the area being
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What is Gynecomastia? This is an enlargement or swelling of breast tissue in males, which can affect one or both breasts. It can affect pubescent young boys or adult males alike. What are the causes? Gynecomastia is most commonly caused by
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What is the Immune system? Lots of people don’t understand what the immune system is. The immune system is a complex network of cells and proteins which play a vital role in our health and well-being. The immune system protects our body
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DECODE YOUR GENES NOW: Unlock the best version of YOU by decoding your unique genetic makeup Nutrigenetics is a tool that will teach you more about your unique genetic makeup and how you can adapt your lifestyle, diet and environment to live
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What do men and women deem to be the most important aspect of their skin? Lately people of all races have become more aware of the importance of even skin tone, preceding issues like anti-aging & wrinkle reduction. They realise that achieving
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What is the Thyroid and what function does it perform? The thyroid is a small butterfly shaped hormonal gland in the throat that releases a steady amount of thyroid hormones into the blood stream. It is part of our endocrine or hormonal
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What is Adult Acne? Adult acne is an adverse condition resulting from inflamed and infected sebaceous (oil) glands that affects women and men equally at any age. How does it develop? The condition develops due to blocked ducts (pores) of sebaceous glands
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WHAT IS KINESIOLOGY? Kinesiology is defined primarily as the use of muscle testing to identify imbalances in the body’s structural, chemical and emotional energy. It is a holistic treatment which looks at the body as a whole rather than at individual symptoms.
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Who cares how we spell it! It is an unnecessary evil that has come to stay as long as there is Covid-19 and we are compelled to wear masks. Soon after Covid
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Mezotix™ is fractional thermal ablation cutting-edge German Technology. It is next-level Microneedling without the needles as it works with a titanium tip and a software programme. This multi-functional device effects full skin rejuvenation & exfoliation. It diminishes wrinkles, pigmentation, acne & other
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What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is part of the ancient practice of Traditional Chinese medicine. Practitioners of this ancient methodology believe the human body has more than 2000 acupuncture points connected by pathways called meridians. These pathways create an energy flow, called QI
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What is Biokinetics? Biokinetics is a medically recognized profession involving the management of effective exercise habits in order to improve one’s physical status and quality of life. A Biokineticist achieves this through an individualized assessment and exercise prescription in the dual context
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How do I combat hair-loss? Tip: Mix 20ml each Coconut and Castor oils with 4 drops Rosemary oil and massage into the scalp. This will stimulate blood circulation and strengthen the roots. It will also aid in unblocking pores and nourishing the
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What is thermography? Thermography is a non-invasive test of physiology, showing thermal abnormalities present in the body. It is a valuable procedure for alerting your doctor to changes that can indicate early warning signs in the development of various conditions such as
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Making use of the world-famous Depilève Waxing system, our waxing process is done by our team of trained professionals. We use precision and quality techniques to ensure that a smooth surface is attained and maintained. Focusing on your skin and its aesthetic
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Our Eyelash & Eyebrow Specialists aim to create the aesthetic look that you have been after. You too can have eyelashes and brows that you’ve only dreamt of! Remember that the eyes are the windows to the soul! Your brows frame your
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What is the main goal of SPCA? The SPCA stands for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Our inspectors are mandated by an Act of Parliament (APA Act No 71 of 1962 and PAPA No 24 of 1935) to
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Delivering the glamorous hands and feet that you have aspired to, our nail experts are aesthetic professionals who ensure your renewed confidence with beautifully painted or gelled groomed nails. Our qualified nail experts provide ● Acrylic with or without tips ● French
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The Goddess Factor is situated in a secluded country estate in Carlswald, Midrand in close proximity to Sandton and Pretoria. Be pampered and rejuvenated in this upmarket, tranquil space. Cutting edge European Anti-aging and Fat Freeze technology provide prompt and visible results.
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The Goddess Factor, a private sanctuary for aesthetically-minded men and women, invites those who’d like to get their face and body summer-ready to call and make an appointment for an obligation-free consultation with our managing therapist. Our summer-ready programme uses Safyre technology. This
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