Kinesiology is defined primarily as the use of muscle testing to identify imbalances in the body’s structural, chemical and emotional energy.

It is a holistic treatment which looks at the body as a whole rather than at individual symptoms.

It is believed that our muscles have memory and that each muscle is connected to an organ.  Therefore if a specific muscle appears to be weak, this could reflect a problem with the relevant organ.

According to Wikipedia, Kinesiology is the scientific study of human and animal body movement.  It addresses physiological, biomechanical and psychological dynamic principles and mechanisms of movement.

Studies of human and animal motion include measures from motion tracking systems,  electro-physiology of muscle and brain activity as well as other behavioural and cognitive research techniques.

Kinesiology practitioners undertake intense training to be able to access the movement of energy – or what the Chinese call Chi – around the body and brain.


What is the basic premise of Kinesiology?

The premise is that the body has its own healing energy.  We often hear people say: The body can heal itself;  but whilst it is doing its best to care for itself, it sometimes needs a little help to achieve this state.

Kinesiology therefore, may be understood as a system of natural health care which combines muscle monitoring with the principles of Chinese medicine to assess energy and body function.

What is the basic premise of Kinesiology What is the basic premise of Kinesiology What is the basic premise of Kinesiology

What is Applied Kinesiology?

We tend to believe in science and intellect.  The belief exists that if it can’t be measured and proven, it is not reality.  That’s why Kinesiology is also often referred to as a pseudo-science.

However, all the things that make us human beings, such as love and meaning, are not in the realms of science!  What makes human life human, is not measurable.

In Applied Kinesiology we measure spiritual work via the Map of Consciousness Index.  This makes the spiritual world comprehensible.

Definition of Consciousness – Dr Hawkins

It is the unlimited omni-present Universal energy field, carrier wave and reservoir of all important information available in the Universe.  More importantly, it is the very essence and substrate – or underlying substance – of the capacity to know or experience.

What do Kinesiology Practitioners do to improve health and movement?

They look for ways to improve the efficiency and performance of the human body while at work or play, by studying the factors that influence human movement.  These Practitioners establish the body’s priority healing needs and evaluate energy changes brought about by a broad spectrum of therapeutic procedures.

They enable the process by applying a range of gentle yet powerful healing techniques to improve health, well-being and vitality.

Kinesiology practitioners tap into energies that other modalities or protocols do not access.  They look beyond the symptoms and do not diagnose or treat named diseases as such.  In fact, they do not limit themselves to dealing with ailments.

Energy balancing can bring a person closer to achieving any goal of their choice, whether in sport, relationships, learning or coping with life in general.

They are primarily concerned with imbalances in the body’s energy.  In this respect, the treatment has close links to the Acupuncture concept of energy flow.

A Kinesiologist recognises that there are flows of energy within the body that relate not only to the muscles, but to every tissue and organ that make the body a living, feeling being.

Explain the Kinesiology Protocol

Kinesiologists apply non-manipulative, gentle manual muscle testing to identify and correct energy blockages within the body.  It is a natural feedback system which receives information via nerve pathways and the meridian system of the brain and body.

This muscle feedback system gives instant access into the holistic information held by the subconscious brain.

A weak muscle test can therefore be an indicator that stress is having a tellingly negative effect somewhere in the system.  By assessing the bio-system via this muscle monitoring tool, Kinesiologists can get quite specific and very promptly come up with solutions to the patient’s problem or problems.

So what can a Kinesiology Practitioner treat and/or adjust?

*Increasing vitality and energy levels

*Preventing illness

*Improving posture and so reducing pain and joint problems

*Helping individuals cope with physical injuries

*Applying various healing techniques in order to alleviate muscle ailments and weakness

*Demonstrating proper muscle movement in order to prevent injuries

*Working to manage, rehabilitate and prevent disorders that impede movement

*Reducing stress & tension to alleviate problems such as headaches and digestive issues

*Monitoring patients to ensure their program produces the desired effects

*Working to improve motor learning skills in patients suffering from cerebral palsy, autism and other motor neurological problems

*Promoting ergonomic workplace body postures and equipment selection. So an excellent protocol to keep your staff happy, healthy & productive!



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