What is thermography?
Thermography is a non-invasive test of physiology, showing thermal abnormalities present in the body. It is a valuable procedure for alerting your doctor to changes that can indicate early warning signs in the development of various conditions such as breast disease and chronic inflammation among others.
How does it work?
A thermal scan (or infra-red thermography/thermal imaging) is a non-invasive, no radiation procedure. It records and produces a careful analysis and image of skin surface temperature patterns (body heat). As a result, gives a reflection of normal or abnormal human physiology. In simplest terms, thermography means “Picture of Heat”. Therefore, thermography detects areas of hyperthermia (INFLAMMATION) and areas of hypothermia (colder areas / poor circulation) in the body.
Thermography uses infra-red photography to measure thermal emissions from the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The thermograph is the picture produced. It provides a visual means of identifying areas of inflammation.
Why should women consider thermal breast screening?
All women can benefit from breast thermography screening. However, it is especially appropriate for younger women (13 – 40) whose denser breast tissue makes it more difficult for mammography to be effective. Also for women of all ages who, for many reasons (i.e. breast implants, pacemaker), are unable to undergo routine mammography. This test can provide a ‘clinical marker’ to the doctor or mammographer that a specific area of the breast needs particularly close examination.
It takes years for a tumour to grow thus the earliest possible indication of abnormality is needed to allow for the earliest possible treatment and intervention. Thermography’s role in monitoring breast health is to help in early detection and monitoring of abnormal physiology. Thermography may detect active breast disease 8 – 10 years before a mammogram.
What are the potential benefits of thermography?
Thermography is useful for detecting and monitoring many conditions
A thermal scan may detect the following conditions or early warning signs of these conditions:
▫ Vein Conditions for eg. Deep Vein Thrombosis
▫ Auto-immune dysfunction
▫ Breast disease and cancer
▫ Oestrogen dominance
▫ Testicular cancer
▫ Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
▫ Chronic Low Back Pain
▫ Headache / Sinus Pain
▫ Neck and Back Problems
▫ Referred Pain
▫ Repetitive Strain Injuries
▫ Whiplash
▫ Arthritis
▫ Skin Cancer
▫ Arthritis
▫ Chronic Nerve Injury
▫ Sports Injuries
Is it painful?
No, it is pain-free, there is no contact or compression with thermography. There is no contact with the patient’s body.
Is there any radiation exposure during the scan?
No, Thermography uses Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging that picks up the heat patterns coming from the body.
Is a thermogram the same as a mammogram?
No. Mammograms and ultrasounds tests look at the body’s structure and anatomy.
Thermography is a non-invasive test of physiology, showing thermal abnormalities present in the body. It is a valuable procedure for alerting your doctor to changes that can indicate early warning signs of conditions that can then be addressed before they become more serious.
Who does the scan?
The images are taken by a trained Thermographer.
Who does the interpretation of the scan?
Only a Licensed Healthcare Practitioner with the license to diagnose and treat can review your report. They compile a full report on their findings.
How long is an appointment?
It can vary between 20 – 50 minutes depending on the type of scan.
How do I prepare for the appointment?
- Avoid having physical therapy, acupuncture or massage for 24 hrs prior to your DITI
- On the day do not go to the gym before your
- Do not use lotions or liniments on the day of the
- Do not use hair removal products on the day of the
- Do not wear compression
- Stay out of strong sunlight day of the
- No changes necessary to diet, preferably don’t eat for 2 hours before the
- No changes necessary to medicines
- If you are doing a full-body scan to help determine the source of pain we advise not taking an OTC anti-inflammatory before your
- Do not smoke for 2 hours before the
What to expect during the scan?
The client undresses and puts on a gown. There will be no physical contact during the scan and no exposure to radiation.
Thermography uses a type of infrared technology that detects and records temperature changes on the surface of the skin, therefore, the client will be required to remove clothing that covers the area to be scanned as we cannot scan through the fabric of any kind. If you are doing a scan that includes the pelvis or lower back please take note of the following – to obtain accurate imaging it will be necessary to remove your underwear. If this makes you uncomfortable we advise ladies to wear a thong or g-string – this will compromise the imaging to some extent but remains an option.
The camera will be placed 2 to 3 meters away from you and you will be asked to turn or change position for the various images to be taken.
Do I need a referral from a doctor?
You do not need a referral from a doctor.
Does medical aid pay for the scan?
At this point South African Medical Aids do not accept or process any claims for Thermography.
Discovery Health will give you loyalty points for doing a breast scan.
Easy, affordable payment terms can be arranged through MediWallet –
For more information or to make a booking please contact
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